Explore the Future of 1st AI STORE Platform !

Welcome to trainedai.shop, the ultimate destination for all things artificial intelligence. Discover a vast collection of AI codes, models, and advanced products developed and trained by experts in the field. Whether you're a developer, a tech enthusiast, or a business owner, we have everything you need to unlock the potential of AI

Pre-sale is Live On August 2023

Pre Sale

Pre Sale
Soft Cap
Hard Cap

WHAT IS Trainedai.shop

We've built a platform to buy and sell AI codes.

Supercharge Your AI Projects
Discover the latest AI tools and solutions for your projects. Explore our wide range of AI-powered products and take your innovations to the next level. Shop now!
Unleash the Power of AI!
Embrace the future with our cutting-edge AI products. From machine learning algorithms to AI-powered gadgets, we've got everything you need to revolutionize the way you work and live.
Revolutionize Your Business with AI Solutions!
Boost productivity and profits with our AI-driven business solutions. Get a competitive edge in the market and stay ahead of the curve. Unlock the power of AI for your success!

Why choose our token

Exclusive AI Access

Our token offers unique utility and benefits within our ecosystem, providing you with exclusive access to cutting-edge AI products and services.

Token Holder Benefits

Investing in our token means supporting the future of AI innovation. Your contribution will drive the development of groundbreaking AI technologies.

Secured Investments

You can trust our token as it adheres to strict security standards, ensuring the safety of your investments and transactions.

Unlock AI Potential

Our token unlocks the true potential of AI applications. Experience the power of artificial intelligence firsthand.

1 TAI = 0.50 USDT

TIme and dates can be abbrevIated.

Our Strategy & Project Plan

May 2025
  • ICO Completion
  • E-Commerce Site Launch & Partnerships
August 2025
July 2025
  • API End Point Trials & Developer Innovations
  • E-Commerce Site Revamp & Developer Incentives
January 2026
July 2026
  • Marketing & Growth Strategies Implementation
  • Global Expansion & Continued Progress
June 2027
July 2027
  • Explore Next-Gen AI Technologies & Integration
  • Community Empowerment & Regular Updates
January 2028
May 2025
  • ICO Completion
August 2025
  • E-Commerce Site Launch & Partnerships
July 2025
  • API End Point Trials & Developer Innovations
January 2026
  • E-Commerce Site Revamp & Developer Incentives
July 2026
  • Marketing & Growth Strategies Implementation
June 2027
  • Global Expansion & Continued Progress
July 2027
  • Explore Next-Gen AI Technologies & Integration
January 2028
  • Community Empowerment & Regular Updates


Read Our Documents

Here is our full documents that help you to understand deeply about us and our operation

White Paper

Terms Of Coin Sale



The Leadership Team



Business Analyst


Fin-tech Investor


Blockchain Entrepreneur




Frenquently Questions